Incubator Partners for Financial Services Founders

We are insiders in the wealth management industry and entrepreneurs with a company building track record.


Following activities provide examples of our industry experience:


In addition to our own resources, we are happy to add relevant partners from our extensive industry network for your venture.


Over time we have supported well over fifty wealth management companies in their development. Tradevest, Wawex, Bernhardt Capital and Fundview are examples of companies we recently supported in and beyond their incubation.


"We have been working closely with Marcel and his team since our founding five years ago. To this day, there are projects we continue to collaborate closely on. A special thank you goes to Marcel whom we greatly value as a mentor and sparring partner. He always has a sympathetic ear for our ideas and critically examines them with us."

Tim Habicht & Oliver Howard, Founders Fundview

Bernhardt Capital

"The collaboration has saved me from several pitfalls, allowing me to establish my financial planning and asset management companies with the right focus. As my businesses continue to grow, we do not only work together operationally, but also strategically."

Dr. Matthias Bernhardt, Founder Bernhardt Capital


The managing directors of Deutsche Wertpapiertreuhand are the managing partners in Fincubator. Please find their resumes here (in German). For a first conversation, please contact Marcel van Leeuwen, CEO.